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A preacher shares the gospel during the Huye Mission for Jesus. |
The year 2010 for African Evangelistic Enterprise (AEE) Rwanda was a year of harvesting many souls for Jesus Christ since thousands of people were transformed by the gospel. We praise God for the wonderful power of the gospel we experienced during the last term of the year. After the “Huye Mission for Jesus” (August), a mission carried out in collaboration with Mission Africa, that reached more 50,000 people in the city of Huye out of whom 10,035 gave their lives to Jesus Christ; another mission showed up: “Gicumbi Arise and Shine Mission” was extremely significant to the churches and the lives of people living in that area.
We are very grateful for the power of God which changed the hearts of people during "Gicumbi Arise and Shine Mission" in November. We have seen emerging leaders recommitting themselves to the Lord and expressing keen determination to become world changers for the kingdom of God during their time.
With other ministry involvement in various areas of our society, we were exceptionally excited about God’s dealings with the youth especially those in schools. When our young people receive the Gospel, they are encouraged to build a culture of peace and harmony amongst themselves and others. In addition, they are also led to ponder about leadership principles and individual commitments they can apply constructively to build a hopeful future. Their personal interest and active involvement in life-transforming initiatives are highly emphasised.
I. CURRENT QUARTER ACTIVITIES: (City Missions, Leadership, Youth impact , Reconciliation, Aids and Development )
1. Evangelistic Outreaches
a. Gicumbi Arise and Shine Mission! 21-28/11/2010 "Where Sin increased, Grace increased all the more."(Romans 5:20)
Gicumbi district is one of the 30 districts in Rwanda. The research done on the situation of churches identified as an area with the highest number of idol worshipers. Before the first arrival of Christian missionaries, the Northern Province was well known for worshipping an idol named Nyabingi, and this has been continually affecting the area up to now with a huge amount of polygamy, drunkenness, evil spirit attacks, family divisions, weak church planting programs, etc.
In 2010, God leads AEE Rwanda in partnerships with churches to organise a mission with a purpose to reach mostly unreached people in that zone. We praise God for his grace and his love to the Gicumbi population. We saw the hand of God moving through the mission week. It was a special blessing for Gicumbi to hear a powerful evangelistic message from Pastor Wayne Tyrie who came with an Australian team, and was the main speaker at the closing rally as well as one of the facilitators during pastors’ conference.
b. Gicumbi Mission harvest:
We praise Jesus for 25 churches which came together for the mission through a stratified evangelism and by God’s grace we reached more than 6,000 unchurched people with 1100 giving their lives to Jesus Christ for the first time. Through the week we trained 50 pastors on Biblical principles of evangelism, transformation leadership. During the mission AEE team provided different hygienic materials and food to 150 women in prison.
c. Gicumbi Mission Impact:
Pastors from different churches in Gicumbi committed themselves to the calling of finishing unfinished task as the chairman of inter-church committee said in his testimony: "The time has come for us, to come together as one body of Christ and look beyond the four corners of our churches to become more strategic and effective in reaching the unreached people for Christ in our districts.”
We believe that a tremendous change has started in that city and we are planning to follow up as well as mobilise and train church leaders to make evangelism a style of life.
2. Leadership & Youth Impact
Raising the next generation for Rwanda - reaching youth for Christ and empowering emerging leaders are among the major mission plans for AEE Rwanda, with an aim to raise dynamic God honouring leaders for a better future. The national statistics show that 60% of the population are under 17 years and according to the vision of the government, Rwanda is targeting to have 30% of its population reach university level education, 60% secondary level, and 100% literate at the conclusion of “Vision 2020.”
Responding to the youth challenges such as prevailing false teachings, drugs, alcohol, non-teachable spirit and lack of thirst for study of the Bible, with presumptions that it’s exclusively for preachers and pastors. AEE-Rwanda in partnership with Christian youth organization and students’ ministry such as IFES-Rwanda organized Kigali Youth Impact (2nd to 4th December 2010) and Ezra Generation Conference (12th to 18th December) with an aim:
• To empower Christian young leaders in Leadership and Biblical mandate (evangelism)
• To instill passion of God’s Word to the participants
• To equip the participants with skills in Bible study and expository preaching
• To help the participants deepen their roots in the key doctrines of the Christian faith and help them to develop Biblical perspective on various contemporary issues
We praise God for 340 youth leaders who were impacted by both December conferences and we thank God for the new commitment and the changes of the mind on How to do Inductive and Manuscript Bible Study, cultivate a devotional life, how to do expository preaching, biblical evangelism and leadership, hearing and learning to develop a biblical perspective on some key issues youth are facing in the Rwandan church and society.
3. AIDS and Development
To build their hope, AEE cares also for the livelihood of young people; providing for some of their basic needs and enabling them to develop their potential to earn themselves a living. In one of the areas we serve, about 20 children were assisted with nutritional supplements and 300 families given quality seeds to improve their agricultural production.
Children from Child Headed Households (CHHs) were facilitated to join Catch-up program. We provided school materials to primary school children who live in absolute poverty due to HIV and AIDS. The Children follow their lessons regularly and are successful in class. They hope to finish their studies and become agents of development within their families and the country at large. We managed to visit 300 CHHs and counsel those who faced serious problems.
Finally, we distributed goats and rabbits, small animals and birds to 57 poorest families among those involved in Self Help Groups (SHGs). They appreciated that provision and promised to cater for them for the good benefit of their households. We also facilitated them to be involved in the business service provision so that they can redirect their aims to business mindset in order to generate some income.
4. Healing and Reconciliation
The prominent activities of the last quarter of 2010 in healing and reconciliation are: The training of students’ leaders, students’ holiday camps and local leaders’ training.
a. Training for student leaders
We trained 120 student representatives from the target schools on leadership skills, and having a clear and positive vision of their future lives. The students appreciated the training and put in place strategies to attain their dreams. They all shared the common understanding that studying hard, living in harmony with others, respecting and following the teachings from the Bible and the Book “The Rwanda I wish to live in”, are key to achieving their dreams.
After the training we asked pupils the lesson they like the most from the book mentioned above. A big proportion of pupils confirmed they liked all lessons but what they like the most is the homework writing in the books and given to them by their teachers after each lesson. The testimonies given by pupils reveal that this the best moments for the pupils to discuss with their parents. They learn a lot from the discussions. They told us that their parents like to read the stories written in the books. Even though they are grown up, they learn from their children’s stories and this helps them to reshape their lives according to the new truths acquired there from.
b. Training of local leaders
Local leaders are also very strategic in the implementation of the reconciliation program because of their influence in the society. During the last 3 months of the year 2010, we trained 50 local leaders in healing and reconciliation through a 2 day workshop. When they returned from the training, they gathered the population into meetings and shared with them what they had learned during the training. They appreciated the training and commended that this kind of training be given to all people that assume leadership roles, especially those serving as local leaders in the Rwandan society.
II. PLANS FOR 2011: (Prayer requests, new initiatives & activities within the four ministries.)
There are many more tasks but here are the major ones:
➢ 14th-21 February - Rubavu church leaders training and mobilisation for Mission
➢ 21st-27 March - National University Mission
➢ 4th-10th April - Gatsibo reconciliation Mission
➢ 13rd-14th April - School of Finance and Banking (SFB) Discipleship Conference
➢ 15th-22nd May - Global Day of Prayer 2011
➢ 1st June - National Consultation of Total Evangelization of Rwanda
➢ 28th-30th June - Kigali Youth Impact Workshop
➢ 11th-15th July - Evangelist and counselling trainings
➢ 18th–20th July - National Prayer Conference
➢ 23rd-30th July - Rubavu City Wide Mission
➢ 24th-29th July - Universite Libre de Kigali (ULK)—Rubavu outreaches
➢ 4th-11th September - Muhanga Evangelistic Mission
➢ 2nd-9th October - Nyarugenge Evangelistic Mission
➢ 10th-16th October - Kigali Institute of Science and Technology(KIST)-Kigali Health
Institute (KHI) Discipleship Mission
➢ 1st-6th November - Huye Discipleship Mission
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