African Enterprise Border Pattern

African Enterprise Border Pattern

09 February 2011

Announcing: Maputo, Mozambique Mission 2011!

A map showing the location of Maputo, Mozambique
AE's largest city-wide mission in 2011 will be in Maputo from 2nd - 12th September, using "stratified evangelism" to reach into every corner of society. The city has a population of 1.8 million people and more than half live in severe poverty. Mozambique ranks 175 of 179 countries on the UN Human Development Index. Civil war, HIV/AIDS and diseases such as cholera have had a massive impact on the population – made worse by floods and other national disasters.

Songe Chibambo, AE's Pan African Missions Director, says that the Church in the city is divided, partially because stringent laws, preventing the Church from operating freely, have only recently been lifted. Such extensive outreach involves many expenses - from venues, publicity and equipment to administration and AE team members' travel. The mission has been carefully budgeted and to complete the full "saturation" programme and follow-up in Maputo, £240,000 (€282,951) will be required.

Please pray for Maputo, for reconciliation among its churches, and for a powerful and effective proclamation of the gospel, both in the preparatory meetings and in the main meetings in September.

If you would like a donation specifically designated to the Maputo budget, please click on the "Donate Now" button on the right-hand side of this page, print out the freshly downloaded reply slip and write "Maputo Mission" on it before posting.

Thank you for your prayer and support!

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