African Enterprise Border Pattern

African Enterprise Border Pattern

04 February 2011

A Teacher's Heart: "The Foxfires are a voice of hope to many, many young people"

Kurt Miles is a Teacher at Middle Land Secondary School in Middleburg, Eastern Cape. He is also the Circuit Steward at the Middelburg Methodist church in South Africa. He shared the following words at the 2010 Foxfire graduation service held at African Enterprise on 26th November 2010:

I am an English Teacher at a school in Middelburg, in the Eastern Cape, but was born and raised in Durban. It has been an absolute privilege for me to always see the Foxfires at our school, Middle Land Secondary School. They are very much interactive with the children and teachers. The Foxfires are carriers of hope to our nation, firstly because in the community that I live in, many of our matriculants leave Middleburg to go and work in Johannesburg, Durban, Port Elizabeth and other main centres of Sout Africa. What happens is that when they come back home, they die of AIDS & other related diseases. The influence of the Foxfires in the cities, townships, smaller towns of South Africa has been phenomenal as it has caused many young people to make decisions for Jesus. One of the areas in which they minister is the area on Life Orientation, when they speak about drugs, sexuality and the positive self image that youngsters should have and I just want to commend the Foxfires to all. They have done a tremendous job, not only in the community where I come from but also in Port Elizabeth where I have lots of friends and in the schools there – they can tell you that our schools are in utter shambles. I think that you will see on television that in the Eastern Cape crime and corruption is rife and all I can say is that the Foxfires are a voice of hope to many, many, many young people in South Africa.

I would like to close with a scripture from Isaiah 52 v 7: "How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, 'Your God reigns!'"

The Foxfires are carriers of hope and good news in South Africa.

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