My name is Khutala Tswane, I am originally from the Eastern Cape, but I have lived in Pietermaritzburg for a very long time. I never knew my Dad and my Mom worked far from home, so I was raised by my granny. Although I grew up in a Christian environment, it wasn’t until 2009 whilst attending a Christian School that I was first challenged to make a commitment to Christ.
Before making a commitment to Christ, I used to live a very bad lifestyle which involved taking illegal substances and making very bad choices. I used to drink and smoke, and would “play with the boys” though the Lord protected me from totally losing the precious gift of virginity. I was highly disobedient to my mum and grandmother and used to be quite angry.
During my last year at School, just after I had made a commitment to follow Jesus, the Foxfires visited my School. Their enthusiasm and the energetic way in which they shared the gospel really attracted me to them. My School principal encouraged me to join the Foxfire programme and so I had no hesitation in becoming one of them.
It has been a huge learning curve being a part of the Foxfire programme. My character has changed for the better and I have gained quite a few valuable life skills. I have learned to speak and preach in public where in the past I had a huge fear of public speaking. I have also grown emotionally and the Lord has taken my temper away.
The highlight of the year for me was when African Enterprise ministered in Sudan where the children and the women there really ministered to my spirit. I was given the opportunity to share the story of the Lord’s saving work in my life too, and it was a joy to see many of them give their lives to Jesus.
It has been an amazing year, and I would like to thank all the faithful partners for their support without which the year would not have been possible.
Khutala shares the gospel during the Juba for Jesus Mission 2010 |
[Khutala was one of 10 Foxfires who were invited to join the international evangelistic team in Juba Sudan for the city wide mission in September 2010. In teams of five, the young foxfire evangelists ministered in schools, community neighbourhoods, market places and the prison. Their energetic presence, stories of hope and friendly warmth drew many to the Lord.]
I know this lady personally, we have become good friends through ministering together on the African Enterprise Foxfire Youth Team. I was there with her in Juba, Sudan and I can relate to her testimony of how amazing it was to have seen hundreds of people;young and old, come to the knowledge of Christ as Saviour. I am very proud of her as a friend and she is doing great in Cape Town studying Christian Psychology. Sello Mmane